Sending hyperlink in email with ABAP code

This blog will explain the ABAP code you can use to send an email from SAP system which is in HTML format including hyperlink.

Questions that will be answered in this blog are:

  • Which basis settings do I need to make for HTML mail format sending?
  • What code snippets can I re-use to send a hyperlink in an email from my custom ABAP program?

Basis settings for HTML mail

In order to be able to send an mail with a hyperlink the mail must have HTML format.

First check this table entry exists in table SXCONVERT2:

If not create it.

Now go to transaction SCOT and set the output format of RAW to HTM:

Save the settings.

ABAP code to mail hyperlink

The ABAP code to mail is as follows:

*& Report zemail_cl_bcs
  REPORT  zemail_cl_bcs.

    gc_subject TYPE so_obj_des VALUE 'ABAP Email with CL_BCS',
    gc_raw     TYPE char03 VALUE 'HTM'.

    gv_mlrec         TYPE so_obj_nam,
    gv_sent_to_all   TYPE os_boolean,
    gv_email         TYPE adr6-smtp_addr,
    gv_subject       TYPE so_obj_des,
    gv_text          TYPE bcsy_text,
    zls_text         TYPE soli,
    xhtml_string     TYPE xstring,
    gr_send_request  TYPE REF TO cl_bcs,
    gr_bcs_exception TYPE REF TO cx_bcs,
    gr_recipient     TYPE REF TO if_recipient_bcs,
    gr_sender        TYPE REF TO cl_sapuser_bcs,
    t_hex            TYPE solix_tab,
    gr_document      TYPE REF TO cl_document_bcs.

  DATA: zlv_longstring_message TYPE string.
  DATA: zlt_et_soli TYPE soli_tab.
  DATA: zls_et_soli TYPE soli.

      "Create send request
      gr_send_request = cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ).

      "Email FROM...
      gr_sender = cl_sapuser_bcs=>create( sy-uname ).
      "Add sender to send request
      CALL METHOD gr_send_request->set_sender
          i_sender = gr_sender.

      "Email TO...
      gv_email = ''.
      gr_recipient = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address( gv_email ).
      "Add recipient to send request
      CALL METHOD gr_send_request->add_recipient
          i_recipient = gr_recipient
          i_express   = 'X'.

      CONCATENATE '<html><strong>Decission needed</strong><br/><br/>'
      '<tr><th style="color:blue;">Approval item</th>'
      '<a href=https://server:port/sap/bc/ui2/flp#WorkflowTask-displayInbox?allItems'
      '=true&/detail/XXX999_PGW/000000226597/TaskCollection(SAP__Origin=&#39;XXX999_PGW&#39;,InstanceID=&#39;000000226597&#39;)> click here to decide 000000226597</a>'

                   INTO zlv_longstring_message.

      CONCATENATE zlv_longstring_message '</html>' INTO zlv_longstring_message.

          text   = zlv_longstring_message
          buffer = xhtml_string
          failed = 1
          OTHERS = 2.

          buffer     = xhtml_string
          binary_tab = t_hex.

      gr_document = cl_document_bcs=>create_document(
                      i_type    = gc_raw
                      i_hex    = t_hex
                      i_length  = '1200'
                      i_subject = gc_subject ).
      "Add document to send request
      CALL METHOD gr_send_request->set_document( gr_document ).

* set send immediately flag
      gr_send_request->set_send_immediately( 'X' ).
      "Send email
      CALL METHOD gr_send_request->send(
          i_with_error_screen = 'X'
          result              = gv_sent_to_all ).
      IF gv_sent_to_all = 'X'.
        WRITE 'Email sent!'.

      "Commit to send email

      "Exception handling
    CATCH cx_bcs INTO gr_bcs_exception.
        'Error type:',

The end result is as follows in the mail:

The hyperlink in the mail jumps to the URL, which in this case is the URL link to this specific workflow item in the FIORI inbox.

The coding explained

We use the CL_BCS class from SAP. BCS stands for Business Communication Service. This class provides all modern options to send mail. We set the sender and receiver.

We now build the mail in HTML. All is stored in zlv_longstring_message. We start with the <html> tag, and a header text in bold (strong). Then we add the text with the hyperlink (a href) in blue color.

The hyperlink towards the FIORi inbox contains ‘ characters. This does not convert well for all further on steps. So we replace ‘ instead the &#39 text. This &#39 text is the HTML character coding for an apostrophe (‘). In this way there is no misinterpretation at any browser.

At the end, we add the closing tag </html>. Now the HTML build up is ready and can be used to send.

The HTLM is converted via function modules SCMS_STRING_TO_XSTRING and SCMS_XSTRING_TO_BINARY to a binary. This binary is set as document with type HTM to the mail. The mail is then sent with immediate flag.

OS commands

In some cases OS commands might be needed to perform maintenance work. It can also be misused by hackers.

Questions that will be answered in this call are:

  • How to fire OS commands via SM49 or SM69?
  • How to fire OS command via program RSBDCOS0?

OS commands via SM49 and SM69

OS commands can be defined and executed using transaction SM49 or SM69:

You can use the SAP standard commands and define your own Z commands.

Issues with external commands? Read OSS note 1328083 – An external command behaves differently than expected.

OS command via ABAP program RSBDCOS0

There is also an ABAP program to fire external commands: RSBDCOS0. OSS note for this program: 2443193 – Report RSBDCOS0 – Execute OS command from SAP GUI.

Start the program and enter the command (in this case ls command):

Output is shown:

The action is registered in the SM21 system log:

See also OSS note 117657 – Reports RSBDCOS0, RSNNUXCD are deleted or changed.

SAP Activate methodology for S4HANA implementations

In the past there was the RunSAP implementation methodology. This is now succeeded with the SAP Activate methodology. The most important one is the S4HANA implementation.

You can go to the methodology using this link.

The roadmap now opens:

The methodology is split into several phases:

  • Discover
  • Prepare
  • Explore
  • Realize
  • Deploy
  • Run

The method is focusing more on using out-of-the-box SAP software and focused on Agile/Scrum way of implementing S4HANA.

On the tab content you can find useful content per phase:

And accelerators per phase:

Keep in mind the method is focusing on green field implementation. Nevertheless you can still use the content and accelerators in your own projects.

SQL commands via ST04

Via ST04 SQL commands, an administrator, or hacker can fire any SQL statement provided he has the authorizations.

Once the authorizations on S_DBCON are there, any SQL can be used to read and update any table.

Firing SQL command via ST04

Start transaction ST04 and open the SQL editor in the Diagnostics section:

Now enter your SQL statement and press execute.

Result is shown:

How to avoid this?

If you don’t want people to use this function, withdraw the rights to do so. Authorization object S_DBCON is used to protect this.

Note that the SQL is fired using the SAP user of the system, not the ABAP user logged on.