SAP Readiness Check for SAP ERP Usage and Data Profiling

To prepare for an S4HANA migration, you can use the SAP Readiness Check for SAP ERP Usage and Data Profiling. This analysis will provide data insights in your current ERP system usage.

Tool installation and run

The tool can be installed by applying OSS note 3112362 – SAP Readiness Check for SAP ERP Usage and Data Profiling. Transport this note to your productive system. The tool needs to have the actual production data. Start program RC_UDP_COLLECT_ANALYSIS_DATA:

Start with the Schedule Analysis. A batch job will collect the data. Once done, you can use the Display Analysis Data button to see the results. The Download Analysis Data allows you to download the data. The data needs to be uploaded to the SAP Readiness site.

Tool result

After uploading to the SAP readiness site, give SAP about one hour to process the data.

Then the analysis result is available:

From left to right:

  • Detailed data profiles
  • Module based data profiles
  • Top list of data volumes

Zoom in on the module based data profiles:

For each part, you can now drill down to table level:

This way you can see if a certain S4HANA change will have much impact or not (due to amount of records).

SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA upgrades

The SAP readiness check is normally used to asses the impact of an ECC to an S4HANA system upgrade or conversion (read this blog).

It can also be used to asses the impact of an upgrade of a lower S4HANA version to a newer S4HANA version.

Preparation for the S4HANA readiness check

First apply the notes listed in master note 3059197 – SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA upgrades. If you have a short dump after start of program RC_COLLECT_ANALYSIS_DATA, follow the instructions in OSS note 3093810 – Executing report RC_VALUE_DISCOVERY_COLL_DATA immediately results in an ABAP Dump CX_SY_DYN_CALL_ILLEGAL_FUNC.

Also apply the notes mentioned in OSS note 3061414 – Enabling extended integration impact analysis for SAP Readiness Check, if you want to include ALE scenario’s in your analysis.

If you have to upgrade to a newer version, apply the latest version of the 305197 note and afterwards start program /SDF/RC_START_CHECK and use the “Update latest version form SAP catalog” button.

Running the check


Start the batch job and wait until it is done.

Start program RC_COLLECT_ANALYSIS_DATA again and push button Download Analysis Data.

This file you need to upload on the SAP Readiness check site.


After you have uploaded the results SAP needs about 1 hour to process the results. Then you can look at the items you need to consider for your S4HANA release upgrade:

Remark: the amount of items will be far less than the ECC to S4HANA conversion readiness check.

Bug fix notes

Bug fix notes:

S4HANA readiness check 2.0

SAP has released the S4HANA readiness check 2.0.

This blog will answer the following questions:

  • How to install S4HANA readiness check 2.0?
  • How to run the S4HANA readiness check 2.0?
  • How to see the results for the S4HANA readiness check 2.0?
  • Where to find more background information on the SAP readiness check 2.0?

How to install S4HANA readiness check 2.0?

SAP OSS note 2758146 – SAP Readiness Check 2.0 & Next Generation SAP Business Scenario Recommendations and 2913617 – SAP Readiness Check 2.0 contain all the installation instructions.

Short sequence of steps:

  1. de-implement OSS note 2310438 – SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA – Managed System if it was applied
  2. Implement OSS note 2745851 – Business Process Improvement Content for SAP Readiness Check 2.0 and Next Generation SAP Business Scenario Recommendations
  3. Update or implement OSS note 2185390 – Custom Code Analyzer
  4. Update or implement OSS note 1872170 – ABAP on HANA sizing report (S/4HANA, Suite on HANA…)
  5. Update or implement OSS note 2399707 – Simplification Item Check
  6. Implement OSS note 2769657 – Interface Discovery for IDoc as part of Readiness Check
  7. Implement OSS note 2612179 – DVM API to trigger and monitor DVM ST14 analyses for Readiness Check
  8. Implement OSS note 2972792 – Financial Data Quality: Trigger Data Collection Reports to Check Your Financial Data Quality and to Enable the Financial Data Quality Check in SAP Readiness Check
  9. Implement OSS note 2903677 – SAP Readiness Check: Effort Drivers of Simplification Items Check
  10. Implement OSS note 3010669 – Enhancements to SAP Readiness Check Dashboard for Business Partner/CVI
  11. Implement OSS note 2758146 itself

Next to these notes, if you are using ATC, it is wise to also apply OSS note 2781766 – Enabling ATC check result export for SAP Readiness Check 2.0.

Also apply the notes mentioned in OSS note 3061414 – Enabling extended integration impact analysis for SAP Readiness Check, if you want to include ALE scenario’s in your analysis.

As you can see from the list of OSS notes there are improvements in the area of idocs, data volume management and business process analysis.

For this reason SAP recommends to run the S4HANA readiness tool on productive system.

It is possible to run on a recent copy, provided you copy the ST03N data from production to the recent copy. This process is described in OSS note 2568736 – SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA – copy ST03N data.

Troubleshooting guide is OSS note 2968380 – SAP Readiness Check Report 2.0 – troubleshooting guide.

Other notes to check:

Run S4HANA readiness check 2.0

There are 2 data analysis programs to run: SYCM_DOWNLOAD_REPOSITORY_INFO and RC_COLLECT_ANALYSIS_DATA.

First you run SYCM_DOWNLOAD_REPOSITORY_INFO on development system to fetch information about your Z coding:

The tool will launch batch job. After job is done download the zipfile to your local PC.

If you are asked to regenerate the ABAP indexes run program SAPRSEUC in the background and be very patient. See blog on ABAP where used index for more background information. See also OSS note 2655768 - Custom Code Analyzer - The where-used list index for customer objects is not up to date.

Second program you need to run on production. So you first need to transport all the notes to production. The notes are large and can take up to 20 minutes import time. So take a quiet time at the productive system to import them.

Start program RC_COLLECT_ANALYSIS_DATA in your productive system:

Select your target version and press execute. This will launch multiple batch jobs. Wait for all the jobs to finish and start program again to download the ZIP file to your PC.

CVI integration

As explained in OSS note 3071549 – Buttons in the report RC_COLLECT_ANALYSIS_DATA the report RC_COLLECT_ANALYSIS_DATA now has a link to the CVI integration (customer vendor).

Financial Data Quality (FDQ)

The newer version of S4HANA readiness report has option analyze the financial data quality. This is important, since a lot of time and effort during the conversion is spend on the financial data migration.

Follow the instructions in OSS note 2972792 – Financial Data Quality: Trigger Data Collection Reports to Check Your Financial Data Quality and to Enable the Financial Data Quality Check in SAP Readiness Check to enable this function.

Data profiling

More information the data profiling done by the readiness check can be found in OSS note 3112362 – SAP Readiness Check for SAP ERP Usage and Data Profiling.

Uploading the data

SAP OSS note 2758146 – SAP Readiness Check 2.0 & Next Generation SAP Business Scenario Recommendations contains the upload URL. The current URL is

Hit the start New Analysis button and upload the file from the RC_COLLECT_ANALYSIS_DATA program. Wait for the SAP site to finish the analysis. It will be visible on the site as Recent Analysis.

Don’t forget to push the update analysis button to upload the second file with the custom code analysis from program SYCM_DOWNLOAD_REPOSITORY_INFO.

The results

Now you can start to enjoy the results:

You can use the settings button to allow more people to view the analysis results.

The results are subject to authorizations. This is explained in OSS note 3310759 – Revised Authorization Concept for SAP Readiness Check.

New functions

SAP keeps on improving the readiness check 2.0. The new features are published in SAP blog.

Background information

More background information can be found at:

More S4HANA conversion preparation steps

For more S4HANA conversion preparation steps, read this blog.

ABAP where used index

A nice feature in ABAP is the where used function on usage of programs, tables fields etc, in both standard can custom code. For this function to work properly the ABAP where used index must be up-to-date.

This blog will give answers to the following questions:

  • How to re-run the ABAP where used index?
  • How to speed up the ABAP where used index by running in parallel mode?
  • Which bug fix notes should I apply to get a good ABAP where used index?

How to run ABAP where used index?

You can run the programs SAPRSEUB and SAPRSEUC yourself in background, or start program SAPRSEUJ to schedule the jobs for you.

Program SAPRSEUB will index standard SAP objects. Program SAPRSEUC will index custom objects.

More background can be found in OSS note 18023 – Jobs EU_INIT, EU_REORG, EU_PUT. And OSS note 28022 – Customer system: Where-used list for SAP Objects.

S/4 HANA readiness check

For the S/4HANA readiness check (see note 2290622 – SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA) it is mandatory to run job SAPRSEUC. For more background information on the S/4 HANA readiness check see this blog.

Stopping the job

If for whatever reason you want to stop the jobs, use program SAPRSEUB_STOP.

Performance of the where used jobs using parallel processing

Check if OSS note 2228460 – Runtime of job EU_INIT, SAPRSEUB, performance is applied. Using settings in table RSEUPACTRL you can control the runtime behavior of the parallel execution of the where used indexing process. You can check in SM50 and SM66 if the job is using the parallel

OSS notes with bug fixes

The following bug fix OSS notes can be check if they are valid for your release: