MASS transaction

The MASS transaction is a powerful transaction to perform mass data updates in a system. It can be used both by IT and business people for data conversion and mass updates on data due to business changes.

But you have to use it wisely. If used unwisely it can overload a system by performing too much changes at the same time or by locking too much data and causing enqueue overflow issues.

As basis person you might not execute the MASS transaction, but is good to realize how it works, since consultants and business might use it. As mentioned before it is a powerful tool that can save a lot of time. So as basis person use the knowledge below to help and not to forbid the use of the MASS transaction.

MASS transaction use

Start transaction MASS. For new runs, select the object and leave the variant field empty:

Press execute. Select the table or tables of the object you want to update:

Select the fields to update:

Press execute. Now enter the selection of materials you need to update:

Press execute.

On top set the new value. Below you see the old values:

Now press the mass update button to transfer the new value to the existing values:

You can now do a final check. Press the Save button on top to save the changes. Depending on the amount of records and complexity of the change this might take more time.

Best practice: run the MASS update first on a non productive system which is a copy of production data. This will give you good idea on the runtimes and performance impact.

Example blogs for mass changes for customer data and vendor data.

Save as variant

If you want to re-use the MASS update for later use, or if you need to run several batches, you can save your setup as variant. This is bit hidden: select the menu option Goto and then Save as variant:

Batch sizes

Try to keep maximum of 10.000 items per MASS update. If you use MASS more often, you can go higher if basis person is guiding the updates and monitoring the system closely.

OSS notes

Relevant OSS notes:

Data archiving: handling units

This blog will explain how to archive handling units via object LE_HU. Generic technical setup must have been executed already, and is explained in this blog.

Object LE_HU

Go to transaction SARA and select object LE_HU.

Dependency schedule:

In case you use production planning backflush, you must archive those first. Then material documents, shipment costs (if in use), SD transport (if in use) and deliveries.

Main tables that are archived:

  • VEKP (Handling unit header table)
  • VEPO (Handling unit item)

Technical programs and OSS notes

Preprocessing program: RHU_AR_ARCHIVABILITY_CHECK



Read from archive: RHU_AR_READ_FROM_ARCHIVE


Relevant OSS notes:

Application specific customizing

Archiving object LE_HU has no specific customizing. Retention period is set on the write program screen.

Execution the preprocessing run

In transaction SARA, LE_HU select the preprocessing run:

The run will show you how many can be archived and how many cannot be archived (mainly due to status and preceding documents):

Executing the write run and delete run

In transaction SARA, LE_HU select the write run:

Select your data, save the variant and start the archiving write run.

After the write run is done, check the logs. LE_HU archiving has average speed, but not so high percentage of archiving (about 40 to 90%).

Unfortunately the LE_HU object does not have a Note field to give the archive file a correct name. If you still want to do so, you have to do this in SARA via the management of archiving sessions: select the session and change the description there:

Deletion run is standard by selecting the archive file and starting the deletion run.

Data retrieval

Data retrieval is via program RHU_AR_READ_FROM_ARCHIVE.


Program RSMEMORY can be used to check current ABAP memory settings.

Start transaction SE38 and key program RSMEMORY and press execute. In higher ABAP versions transaction SMEMORY is available.


If a user faces a TSV_TNEW_PAGE_ALLOC_FAILED and really needs to process a lot of data only once, you can use program RSMEMORY to temporarily increase the memory. Keep screen shot of old settings. Increase the memory class value in quota dialog settings for Step 1. Also increase abap/head area dia (and the total accordingly). Now press the Copy button to activate. This is per application server. Settings are lost after restart. But it is best to already change back to old settings after the user issue is fixed (by using the screen shot you made before the settings changes).

SAP background

OSS note 177226 – Documentation rsmemory.

SAP help file link.