SAP has done an improvement on TAANA to count dynamic subfields. This blog will explain how. More generic information on TAANA can be found in this blog.
Questions that will be answered in this blog are:
- How to get the new TAANA function for dynamic subfields?
- How to run TAANA dynamic subfields?
How to get the new TAANA function for dynamic subfields?
Simply apply improvement OSS note 2614476 – TAANA: Several dynamic subfields with reference to same reference field.
How to run dynamic subfields in TAANA?
We will use table JEST as example. This table as a pretty annoying setup. The main field OBJNR is in fact 2 fields: the first 2 characters are object identification, and the second part is a number for the object. But if you want to analyze how many objects type you have this is problematic with SE16.

In TAANA we can use the dynamic subfields. Start transaction TAANA and create an Ad Hoc Anlysis for table JEST. First hit Execute to start, enter table JEST and in this screen hit the Ad Hoc Variant button:
Now select the OBJNR field:

In the Offset field fill 0. And in Subfield length 2. This means take first 2 characters of field OBJNR. Press ok and start the run in the background.
The end result is a cross section with counts on the types of the first 2 characters in JEST-OBJNR:

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