Data archiving: CO line items

This blog will explain how to archive CO line items via object CO_ITEM. Generic technical setup must have been executed already, and is explained in this blog.

Object CO_ITEM

Go to transaction SARA and select object CO_ITEM.

Dependency schedule (no dependency):

Tables that are archived:

Most important:

  • COEP: CO line items
  • COBK: CO object document header

Technical programs and OSS notes

Write program: CO_ITEM_WRI

Delete program: CO_ITEM_DEL

Read program: RKCOITS4

Relevant OSS notes:

Application specific customizing

In the application specific customizing for CO_ITEM you have to set the residence time in months per CO type:

Executing the write run and delete run

In transaction SARA, CO_ITEM select the write run:

Select your data, save the variant and start the archiving write run.

Give the archive session a good name that describes date range. This is needed for data retrieval later on.

After the write run is done, check the logs. CO_ITEM archiving has average speed, but high percentage of archiving (up to 100%).

Deletion run is standard by selecting the archive file and starting the deletion run.

Data retrieval

Start the data retrieval program and fill selection criteria:

To avoid reporting issues, see OSS note 2676572 – SARI/KSB5 Archived documents not displayed in line item report, fill the archiving structure SAP_CO_ITEM_001.