SAP Focused Run license and usage

SAP Focused Run is a licensed product. The metric is amount of GB stored in the application.

If you have more systems, more detailed metrics, with short measurement times and many functions, the more GB you will use.

Questions that will be answered in this blog are:

  • How to check the current license usage?
  • What drives the usage?
  • How can I get a cost estimate?
  • How can I create a business case for Focused Run?

Checking the license usage

In SE38 start program FRUN_USAGE_UPDATE:

Now you can see which Focused Run function uses how many MB’s.

Read this note that explains the slower clean up on system analysis data: 3478938 – Housekeeping of System Analysis data in SAP Focused Run.

What drives the usage?

Usage is driven by:

Getting a cost estimate

Your SAP account manager or the Focused Run team in Germany can give you a good cost estimate. Material number for Focused Run in the price list is 7019453.

Input for cost estimate: sizes and numbers of systems, functions of Focused Run you want to deploy, and the retention period of the data.

Output: cost estimate.

Creating the business case

The business case has 2 aspects:

  • Cost: infrastructure, license, implementation
  • Benefits

Benefits is easier to quantify if your IT service is more mature.

Elements to consider:

  • How much does an hour of outage cost on your main ECC or S4HANA core system? For lager companies, this is easily 10.000 Euro per hour or more.
  • How much does your complaint handling cost per ticket?
  • How much time is currently spent on manual monitoring?

Benefits of SAP Focused Run are then in avoiding half the outages by faster insights and reducing the outage costs. You cannot avoid all outages, but you can act faster.

Benefits of Focused Run are in improved clean up and issue solving. This will both reduce issues in your systems and reduce complaints and tickets you need to handle.

For larger system landscapes (more than 50 systems) the business case is quite easy to create and will be positive fast.

<< This blog was originally posted on SAP Focused Run Guru by Frank Umans. Repost done with permission. >>