Deleting SAP office documents

In your system the amount of SAP office documents is consuming more and more space. You want to clean up these tables: BCST_CAM, BCST_SR, SOC3, SOFFCONT1, SOFM, SOOD, SOOS, SOST. This blog will explain how.

Questions that will be answered are:

  • How to reduce size of tables BCST_CAM, BCST_SR, SOC3, SOFFCONT1, SOFM, SOOD, SOOS, SOST?
  • How to run the clean up programs before running RSBCS_REORG?
  • How to run program RSBCS_REORG?

SAP office documents to content server

If table SOFFCONT1 is growing fast, you can migrate data to the content server. This might be the easiest solution. Read more in this blog.

See also note 1634908 – Reduce the number of entries of table SOFFCONT1.

See OSS note 3225275 – BC-SRV-COM Guided Answer for the guided Q&A.

Preparations before running RSBCS_REORG

SAP office documents are stored in table SOFFCONT1, and can be deleted with program RSBCS_REORG. See note 966854 – Reorganization – new report. Note 988057 – Reorganization – information contained in the past a very useful PDF document that explains what to do in cases that RSBCS_REORG is not directly can delete an SAP office document. This was removed, but you can download it here:

In most cases you have to run a special program that breaks the link between the document and the data. After that is done you can delete the content. Extra explanation is in OSS note 1641830 – Reorganization of Business Communication Services data (RSBCS_REORG).

Set expiration date

Run program RSBCS_SREQ_EXPIRE (see OSS note 1478279 – Deleting send requests that have not expired) to set the expiration date when needed:

This will remove the expiry dates.

Release the send requests

Run program RSBCS_SREQ_RELEASE (see OSS note 1238740 – Deleting unreleased send requests):

Don’t select too much data, otherwise the program will dump (see note 3033843 – Program RSBCS_SREQ_RELEASE failed with dump TSV_TNEW_PAGE_ALLOC_FAILED).

This will release the send requests for deletion.

But it will only do so if a document is attached. Apply OSS note 3256308 – Initial send requests are not released to get new program RSBCS_SREQ_INITIAL_RELEASE:

This will also release the send request for deletion in case there is no document attached.

Unlink document from application

Run program RSBCS_SREQ_UNLINK (see note 1276402 – Send requests cannot be deleted due to links) to unlink the the document from the object:

Document is in SAP connect queue

Documents might still be in the SAP connect queue. Use program RSBCS_DELETE_QUEUE (see OSS note 1244680 – Deleting send requests from the queue) to remove the queue for the documents:

Document is in a folder

If the document is in a folder it might be in different sort of folder:

  • Hidden folder
  • Private folder
  • Document has GOS link
Document is in a hidden folder

Run program RSSODFRE (see OSS note 567975 – Hidden folder: Reorganization) to delete documents from the hidden folders:

Document is in a private folder

Run program RSSO_DELETE_PRIVATE (see OSS note 922671 – Deleting folder entries) to delete from private folder:

Document has GOS link

To be able to delete document with GOS link, run program RSGOSRE01 (see OSS notes 569123 – Reorganizing documents from generic object services, 1641800 – How to delete ‘Has links to GOS/Document not sent’ documents from the Hidden folder and 2016688 – RSGOSRE01: New selection parameters):

Or run program RSGOSRE02 (OSS note 2031234 – RSGOSRE02: Reorganizing documents from generic object services):


Program RSBCS_REORG will not archive, but only delete.

Test this first and check with the data owner that the documents are no longer needed.

Program RSBCS_REORG selection criteria:


Double clicking on the line will show the details for the issue why you cannot delete.

Bug fix OSS notes for RSBCS_REORG: