SAP content server 7.5

SAP has released content server 7.5. Content server can be used to store attachments, documents and archiving files outside of the SAP database.

Questions that will be answered in this blog are:

  • Where can I find more information on SAP content server 7.5?
  • How to upgrade to SAP content server 7.5?
  • What is the support on my SAP content server 6.5 installations?

SAP content server 7.5

The main OSS note for SAP content server 7.5 is 2786364 – SAP Content Server and Cache Server 7.5 (and higher). This is a major different technology setup: there is no Apache or Microsoft webserver needed any more. The content repository setup itself does not change.

For installation you can follow the instructions from the main OSS note, or follow the steps from the SAP blog on content server 7.5 installation.

Upgrading from 6.5 to 7.5

As mentioned before the technology has changed on how data is put into content server and how it is retrieved, but the data structure itself is the same. Note 2786364 – SAP Content Server and Cache Server 7.5 (and higher) is also describing the migration process. Your database (most of the times MaxDB) remains as is. But you have to install new 7.5 content server. Then you migrate the configuration. You stop the old 6.5 server and start up the new 7.5 server. You test that all works via the content server check programs from this blog (you might need to perform changes in transaction OAC0). SAP recommends after successful migration to clean up the old 6.5 as soon as possible to avoid issues (like an overzealous admin starting it up again…).

Support of SAP content server 6.5

In the main OSS note on SAP content server 6.5 (1983930 – Availability of SAP Content Server 6.50) there is no direct indication of end of support date. SAP content server 6.50 is part of the Netweaver 7.40 stack. The support of this stack ends by 31st of December 2020.

See also OSS notes 761387 – SAP Content Server support information and 719971 – SAP Content Server release strategy.

Before raising SAP message, first read OSS note 3345452 – SAP Content Server – required information for analysis on the information SAP needs for a quick solution to your issue.

Changes to test programs

The content server test programs (for example RSCMST) can respond differently with the new content server. SAP is updating these. For more information see the blog on content server tips & tricks.

Content server license

For using content server from SAP using MaxDB no special licenses is needed. See OSS note 2553449 – Does the SAP Content/Cache Server require a separate license?.

New SAP JCO 3.1 version

SAP has released a new SAP JCO version 3.1. JCO is the workhorse for JAVA programs and other external programs to call RFC enabled function modules and BAPI’s to SAP ABAP systems.

Questions that will be answered in this blog are:

  • Where can I find information on the new JCO 3.1 version?
  • What is the end of support for the current JCO 3.0 version?

New JCO 3.1 version

The main OSS note for JCO version 3.1 is 2786882 – SAP JCo 3.1 release and support strategy. Documentation for JCO 3.1 is available publicly on the SAP site. Or download the PDF of the JCO 3.1 standalone connector directly via this link. General implementation information on both versions is still on the SAP wiki page.

End of support for current JCO 3.0 version

SAP has updated the main note for JCO version 3.0: 1077727 – SAP JCo 3.0 release and support strategy. In this note the current end of support date for JCO version is set to October 31st 2020.

JCO installation issues

OSS note 1953762 – Hints for frequent installation errors with SAP JCo 3.0 release describes the most frequent errors with installation of SAP JCo 3.0. Most of the hints will be identical for SAP JCo 3.1.

Latest version

Latest JCO version now is 3.1.9. See OSS note 3446411 – SAP Java Connector Release 3.1.9.

Storing SAP office documents in content server

When you are storing a lot of SAP office documents, you will find that table SOFFCONT1 is growing to a large value. Out-of-the-box SAP stores SAP office documents in that table. This blog will explain how you can route the storage of these documents from database to a content server. If you no longer need the SAP office documents, you can also delete them (read this blog on the deletion).

Questions that will be answered are:

  • Which settings do I need to make to route SAP office documents to the content server?
  • Which settings do I need to make to route GOS attachments to the content server?
  • How can I test if the documents are stored correctly in the content server?

Check current settings

Start transaction OAC0 and open the entry for content repository SOFFDB:

Here you can see documents are written to SAP table SOFFCONT1.

Reconfiguration of SAP office to content server

First check with transaction OANR that the number range is defined properly:

Goto transaction OAC0 and alter the settings for SOFFDB to your content server settings:

Also set up a new content server:

Now goto transaction AOCT to change the category settings for 3 entries: SOFFDB, SOFFHTTP and SOFFPHIO:

More background can be found in OSS note 2571570 – Where are documents physically stored with Business Communication Services?. And in OSS note 1634908 – Reduce the number of entries of table SOFFCONT1.

Reconfiguration of GOS (generic object services) to content server

Goto transaction SKPR08 and assign the content server category to class SOFFPHIO:

More background can be found in OSS note 530792 – Storing documents in the generic object services.

Other settings

There are more settings to be done or validated. It might be that these settings are already done in your system. If not, make the settings.

First define the Data carrier in customizing:

Make sure the entry for Data Carrier for front end has the type PC defined with a temporary storage path:

Please make sure that the end user has full rights to this directory. Some companies shield a lot. Without write and delete rights a temporary file cannot be stored here and the function will not work.

Now check that the default entry for data carrier is present. If not present use the Create Default Entry button to create it:

Now check the workstation application settings in the customizing path below, or directly via transaction DC30:

Search for the application type PDF and make sure the entries for 1 (display), 2 (change) and 3 (print) are maintained:

%AUTO% means it will take over the value from windows default to open PDF file.

Repeat this check for the popular formats DOC and DCX (Word), PPT and PPX (powerpoint), XLS and XLX (excel), ZIP (compressed files).

Testing the setup for SAP office

To test the setup for SAP office goto transaction SBWP to create a new message:

Create a document with attachment:

During upload you will see in the left bottom side the Test HTTP destination and destination test ok:

This means the document will be moved to content server. If this does not come, it is not ok.

If all is uploaded and you have filled out a receiver: hit the send button.

Now go back to SBWP and select the outbox. Double click on your message you just created and go to the attachment tab:

The document opens now.

You can ask your basis team to stop the content server. If that is stopped the document will not open (you get a HTTP error). This proves that the attachment is stored in the content server.

Testing the setup for GOS

To test the setup for GOS goto one of the transactions supporting the GOS setup. In our example we will use purchase requisition change (transaction ME52N). Select a purchase requisition and open the GOS box top left:

Select Create… and then option Create Attachment and upload a file.

Now select attachment list:

Open the document. Ask you basis team to stop the content server. Now try to open again and you will get an http error proving the document is stored in the content server.

Migrating existing documents

To migrate existing documents from the database to the content server, you can use program RSIRPIRL. The use of this program is explained in OSS note 2459712 – How to use report RSIRPIRL. For GOS documents: better use program RSGOS_RELOCATE_ATTA.

More background is written in this blog.

Regaining storage space

Depending on your database the moving of attachments from database to content server will immediately free up storage, or only after database table reorganization.

Activate SAP GUI for HTML via integrated SAP ITS

For users that do not use the SAP GUI regularly, you can use the SAP GUI for HTML as an alternative. The end users will then access the SAP system via the GUI shown in the web browser. This way the end user does not need to install the fat client on his laptop or desktop.

Questions that will be answered in this blog are:

  • How to activate the SAP GUI for HTML?
  • How to change the theming?
  • How to monitor the ITS behind the SAP GUI for HTML?

Activation of SAP GUI for HTML via integrated ITS

In transaction SICF activate the SAP GUI for HTML node /sap/bc/gui/sap/its/webgui:

Look and feel of the SAP GUI for HTML

OSS note 1508958 – Look and Feel in the WEBGUI explains the different themes for SAP GUI for HTML. OSS note 2540597 – Supported Themes for SAPGUI for HTML explains the support of different theme versions per netweaver version. Note 1656975 – How to set the theme for SAPGUI for HTML? explains how to set the theme.

Monitoring the SAP GUI for HTML via ITS tools

The SAP GUI for HTML is using SAP ITS (internet transaction services) to render the HTML pages. Transaction SITSPMON is the monitoring transaction for ITS:

If you have issues with the ITS web gui, this note explains which information to download from SITSPMON and add to the ticket: 3010580 – SITSPMON: How to send ITS Support Information in a Support Incident. For this function also apply OSS note 2948114 – SITSPMON: Improvement of Support Information Tab.

Health check feature

Apply the OSS notes mentioned in 3031743 – WebGUI Health Check feature to activate the Health check tab:

Known issues

If you get a popup stating Transaction SMEN is locked and you are redirected to the logoff page, please check OSS note 2874027 – Transaction SMEN is locked in direct webgui.

Known limitations

SAP GUI for HTML has known limitations. These limitation vary per SAP netweaver and S/4HANA version. The main OSS note is: 314568 – SAP GUI for HTML functionality / Limitations / Sp. Behaviour. This note has a reference to the restrictions of SAP GUI for HTML per version.

For ABAP developers there is a specific OSS notes on which developments are possible ,and which ones not, for Webgui as in comparison to SAP GUI: 3024355 – Webgui HTML Viewer: Restrictions compared to SAP GUI for Windows.

Full release notes are published in OSS note 2658822 – Release notes for SAP GUI for HTML (short WEBGUI).

Kernel updates

The SAP GUI for HTML is very sensitive for issues in the SAP kernel. When applying a kernel update, test the use of SAP GUI for HTML carefully for the functions your business needs. More on kernel patching strategy can be found in this blog.

Upload and download of files with the WEBGUI file browser

For upload and download of files with ITS webgui, you need to use the WEBGUI file browser. How to use this is explained in OSS note 2249454 – ITS Up/Down: Using the WEBGUI File Browser. See also: 2636752 – WebGUI File Browser: option in file save dialog to save to native file system.

Other OSS notes

New service handler CL_HTTP_EXT_ITS_2 replacing CL_HTTP_EXT_ITS. See OSS note 2860209 – SAP GUI for HTML: New Service Handler.

ITS support info might be needed by SAP. For this read note 2199237 – ITS: How to download ITS SupportInfo file.