Transport set up for FIORI in app extensibility

In the previous blog we explained how to execute in app extensibility for an out-of-the-box FIORI app. This blog will explain how to transport the changes done.

Questions that will be answered in this blog are:

  • What setup do I need to do for transporting the in app flexibility content?
  • How to activate the needed apps for transporting in app flexibility content?
  • How to use the needed apps for transporting in app flexibility content?

Initial setup

To set up the transport mechanism for in app extensibility start transaction S_ATO_SETUP:

These are packages used to only store the data for the key user.

For the final transport, create in SE80 once a final package, for example ZKUFLEX:

Background explanation on this transaction is present in OSS note 2807979 – Information to setup Adaptation Transport Organizer for S/4HANA On Premise system via S_ATO_SETUP.

FIORI apps activation for transports of key user flexibility content

Activate the FIORI app Configure Configure Software Packages. Full instructions are available on the FIORI reference library.
Short summary:

  • Activate SICF services: NW_APS_ATO_CONF, NW_APS_ATO_LIB and NW_APS_LIB
  • Activate ODATA service: APS_EXT_ATO_PK_CFG_SRV
  • Acitvate PFCG roleSAP_NW_APS_EXT_ATO_PK_CFG_APP and assign to your user

Activate the FIORI app Register Extensions for transport. Full instructions are available on the FIORI reference library.
Short summary:

  • Activate SICF services: NW_APS_ATO_REGI, NW_APS_ATO_LIB and NW_APS_LIB
  • Activate ODATA service: APS_EXT_ATO_PK_AI_SRV
  • Activate PFCG role SAP_NW_APS_EXT_ATO_PK_AI_APP and assign to your user

Use of FIORI apps for transports of key user flexibility content

Add the apps to on the FIORI launchpad:

In the app Configure Software Packages add your permanent package you created in SE80:

Also assign a transport request here.

Now you can use the Register Extensions for Transport app to assign you extension to the package and transport:

Select the field and press the button Reassign to Package.

SAP references

Excellent overview blog can be found here.

SAP full help reference can be found here.

Bug fix OSS notes

3282241 – Enhancement of consistency check in S_ATO_SETUP