Idoc tips & tricks

This blog will give tips & tricks on working with idocs.

Questions that will be answered are:

  • How can I actively monitor idocs?
  • How can I reprocess idocs in error?
  • How to process idocs in collect mode?
  • How can I search the business content of idocs?
  • How to execute technical consistency check for the idoc settings?
  • How can I clean up idocs?
  • How can I force a change of idoc status?

Idoc search and listing

Next to WE02 and WE05, you can use transaction WLF_IDOC to list idocs. WLF_IDOC can also scan the idocs for content. Read more on WLF_IDOC in this blog.

WE06 active idoc monitoring

Transaction WE06 can be used to setup active idoc monitoring. If idocs are running into delay for certain status, you can send workflow:

You need to activate the ALARM message workflow: this is a work item of the TS74508518 standard task.

Read the full SAP help for more details.

WE09 search idoc for business content

Transaction WE09 can be used to search idocs for business content:

Short instruction on how to use WE09 is documented in OSS note 1823081 – WE09 – criteria for searching in data records.

A search function is also available in transaction WLF_IDOC.

Set idoc status

Program RC1_IDOC_SET_STATUS can be used to change an idoc status:

This program is meant to run on non-production systems. Take special care and think twice before running this program on a productive system.

Technical consistency check

You can use transaction BDM5 to execute a technical consistency check for your idoc configuration:

Per item a lot of sanity checks are performed:

Processing inbound idocs that are on collect

You can use transaction BD20 to process inbound idocs with partner profile on collect (idocs status 64):

You can also schedule the program RBDAPP01 in batch to process the idocs in status 64 periodically.

When you post too many idocs too fast with immediate processing, the SAP system might get overloaded and will leave the idocs in status 64. In this case best to switch to collect mode and plan the program RBDAPP01 periodically for processing. See more in OSS note 1872637 – Delays posting inbound IDocs (status 64) which have been configured to trigger immediately.

Bug fix OSS note for RBDAPP01: 2795034 – RBDAPP01 – selection of IDocs that have not yet been completely saved (dirty read).

For parallel processing read this note: 2697762 – ALE: Maximum processes for processing.

Idocs remaining on status 64

In weird cases inbound idocs with partner profile set to process immediately remain in status 64.

Potential root causes:

Sending outbound idocs that are on collect

If you have configured outbound idocs to be collected, the idocs remain in status 30 until they are to be sent out. The sending can be done with transaction WE14 or by batch job of program RSEOUT00:

Recent bug note on RSEOUT00: 2747015 – IDoc: Locks in IDoc outbound processing.

Custom idoc processing remains in status 30

If you have custom idocs or custom idoc processing and you call function module MASTER_IDOC_DISTRIBUTE for the outbound distribution, the idocs might get stuck in status 30, even if you set the partner profile to immediate processing. If this is the case, read OSS note 1575852 – Outbound IDocs remain in status 30. This solution provided might seem strange, but it does work:

Implement the following “triple” into your program that creates the idocs:


Checking that outbound idocs have passed RFC layer

If there are issues with outbound idocs, most likely it is because they are stuck in the RFC layer. You can check this with transaction SM58.

You can use transaction BD75 to convert the idocs from status 03 to status 12. Status 12 means that they have correctly passed the RFC layer. The program behind BD75 is RBDMOIND, which can also be planned in a batch job:

Reprocessing failed inbound and outbound idocs with technical errors

If outbound idocs fail with technical errors like 02, 25, 26, 29: first correct the technical setup error. When the setup is fixed, you can use transaction BD83 to reprocess the failed idocs (in stead of regenerating them):

If inbound idocs fail with technical errors like 56, 61 , 63: first correct the technical setup error. When the setup is fixed, you can use transaction BD84 to reprocess the failed idocs (in stead of asking the sender to send them again):

Planning these programs in batch job is not a good idea. Fix the root cause, then this reprocessing is not required any more in the future.

Reprocessing edited idocs

If you have edited idocs and want to reprocess them again, use transaction WPIE to start the processing:

Reprocessing inbound idocs in status 51

You can use program RBDMANI2 to reprocess idocs in status 51 (error in functionality):

This program is usually run in background mode as well in productive system. In a productive system don’t run it too frequently, since very try will add a new status 51. Therefore also limit the amount of days of history you want to reprocess automatically. Do use the option to filter on message class and number, to reprocess only selective messages for selective message type. The most common use is to reprocess idocs that could not be processed due to another user locking the data.

This might result into a couple of variants, or even a couple of different batch jobs running at different frequencies for reprocessing different message types.

If the reprocessing takes long time, read OSS note 2524675 – Long processing time when processing IDocs in status 51. This basically tells you to start deleting or archiving idocs.

Idoc clean up

Transaction WE11 can be used to delete idocs. If you want to archive idocs, you can use archiving object IDOC. See OSS note 40088 – Deletion or reorganization of IDocs, or this blog on technical clean up.

Checking RFC security settings

RFC security is a cumbersome job. There are programs to help speed up the security checks for RFC connections.

Questions that will be answered in this blog:

  • How to quickly check all the RFC’s in my system?
  • How to quickly check the trusted RFC’s in my system?

Hacking using RFC connections

RFC callback hacking: read this blog.

RFC jump hacking: read this blog.

Check RFC connections

Program RSRFCCHK (which also has the same transaction code RSRFCCHK) can quickly scan all your RFC’s. In the selection screen, please make sure to select the 2 extra boxes for “Also check RFC destinations without explicit password” and the “Select destinations without target system too”:

The connection test is optional. But if the RFC is not working, then you might consider it old and no longer needed. In this case you can perform the clean up by deleting the RFC.

The output of the report RSRFCCHK, you can use to look for:

  • RFC’s with personal user ID
  • Cross system layer RFC’s (from production to development, or from development to production)
  • Trusted connections where you don’t expect them
  • Old destinations no longer in use
As a best practice at least yearly check on every system the RFC's that are setup there. Read this blog on how easy it is to use wrongly configured RFC's to hack a system.

OSS notes:

Check trusted connections

To check trusted connections run program RS_SECURITY_TRUST_RELATIONS. Output example:

The red lights should be investigated and fixed.

More on setting up trusted RFC’s is written in this blog.

SAP standard on RFC security

OSS note 2008727 – Securing Remote Function Calls (RFC) contains a very extensive PDF explaining all ins and outs on RFC security.

SAP icons

SAP uses many icons in the SAP GUI and on their web applications. This blog will explain how to find them.

Questions that will be answered in this blog are:

  • How can I find SAP icon codes for SAP GUI use?
  • How can I find icons for SAP web applications and FIORI?

Icons in SAP GUI

To get a list of icons in SAP GUI, start transaction ICON:

If you want to search more specific or have a different sorting, you can start report SHOWICON:

With result screen:

Another icon program is RSTXICON:

SAP web applications

There is also an online icon explorer for SAP web applications and FIORI. Follow this URL:

and detailed screen:

BRF+ transport issues

BRF+ rules are nice for developers to use, but can give you some serious issues at transport level.

Questions that will be answered in this blog are:

  • Which tools and analysis programs are available in case I have issues with BRF+ transports?
  • How to recognize BRF+ transport issues?
  • Which relevant OSS notes to check in case of transport issues?

BRF+ transport issue detection

BRF+ rules can cause both issues at export (RC-8) and at import (RC-8 or content not updated while transport shows RC-0 or RC-4). Check the transport for BRF+ rules: they start with FDT.

Troubleshooting BRF+ with FDT_HELPERS

The main basis troubleshooting transaction is FDT_HELPERS.

FDT helpers start screen

It contains many tools that can assist in issue solving.

BRF+ transport issue support programs

BRF+ versioning and transport information is not displayed by default. You have to switch to expert mode first. See OSS note 2830979 – Versioning and transport information missing in the BRF+ workbench.

Support program FDT_TRANS can be used to put BRF+ rule into a transport (the person that runs this program must be owner of the transport as well):


For mass checking run program FDT_TRANS_MASS_CHECK:


RC-8 upon export

If somebody is still in Edit mode in the BRF+ transport you want to release, then the transport export of the BRF+ transport will end in an RC-8. This is quite hard to detect in the RC-8 export log of the transport. So in case you are faced with export RC-8 of BRF+: ask everybody to go away from the BRF+ edit modes and re-export the transport.

Transport issue OSS notes

You can also check the following OSS notes: